Thursday, August 9, 2007

From Anantarupa prabhu and Lilashakti didi,

as reported to Swarnangii

What a wonderful visit.
He is in the E building ( across from the Wendy's, Taco Bell and Subway) second floor room 47. This building is the only entrance facing Bascom avenue. The best parking is either on Bascom itself or in the parking lot by Enborg Lane and Bascom. This unit has a much more positive and optimistic environment. Everyone is friendly and greets him when he is "out and about"

When they arrived he introduced them to his speech therapist! He speaks with a hoarse whisper but if you stand beside him you can understand his words. He receives very good therapy at this new site. Twice a day sessions with a physical therapist and other times with an occupational and the speech therapist.

He had some Sprite and chocolate pudding today but he aspirated a little so the tube remains. They will try again tomorrow. They expect to remove the tube soon. He has learned the technique to swallow but doesn't uniformly use it. Once it is removed he can take prasadam as long as it is soft, pureed, no solids and no chewing for a while yet.

He desperately wants to get out of there and he is being very cooperative. He seems to understand when you explain to him that he needs to cooperate in order to get better. No more thrashing around and he is working with the therapists, following their instructions etc. not fighting them. He asked if he still has service. Can he still come back to the ashram? He doesn't want to be around maya anymore :0)

They took him for a "stroll" in his wheelchair with an orderly nearby. At one point he got up and walked a little and asked if he could walk back to his room but he was told that the physical therapist needed to be there for that to happen so he sat back down and buckled himself back to his chair. He has good use of both legs and arms.

He has no memory of the accident and his short term memory is foggy.He reads the guest book and sees who has been there to visit him so please sign it if you go.

If you go to visit they have his daily schedule with his therapists posted. You can view that and see what is a good time. They did suggest the evenings are better as he has no therapy then. The visiting hours are 11-8.

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